Thursday, February 16, 2012

Are Arab middle east countries new dominoes to fall?

And the Muslim Brotherhood the new communism?Are Arab middle east countries new dominoes to fall?
The Muslim Brotherhood is organized and patient. Their goal of Sharia for all has not changed since their founding in 1928. They have a lot of influence and according to CNN and others they have a good working relationship with Al Qaeda and Co. They funnel millions to Al Qaeda through their so-called charities.

So it all comes down to how much control they gain over the military in those countries over there.Are Arab middle east countries new dominoes to fall?
"Arab middle east countries"...sounds kind of redundant, but anyhoo,this "plan" by the muslim bh has been in progress for many years. Certain people tried to warn everyone else that it was coming, but, -alas; here it is.

Is the MB the new communism? They may not be, but they're definitely in bed ideiologically with some of the goals of communism in terms of its brand of control over the minds of the sheeple.Are Arab middle east countries new dominoes to fall?
Sounds like their plans for world domination, don't you think?

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