Friday, January 27, 2012

Given a board 8 x 8 with two opposites corners removed. In how many ways can you cover the board with dominoes

Dominoes are pieces 2 x 1.

The board has space for 31 dominoes

and you have exactly 31 identical dominoes.Given a board 8 x 8 with two opposites corners removed. In how many ways can you cover the board with dominoes

opposite corners are the same color, all the dominoes must cover a black and a white square.Given a board 8 x 8 with two opposites corners removed. In how many ways can you cover the board with dominoes
What are the shapes and sizes of the corners that were removed?Given a board 8 x 8 with two opposites corners removed. In how many ways can you cover the board with dominoes
Is the board like a chess board? 1 x 1 blocks?Given a board 8 x 8 with two opposites corners removed. In how many ways can you cover the board with dominoes
i think 0 cuz of miss corners u'd have to turn 1 sideways that would throw other side out

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