Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Do dominoes fall at a different speed if the sizes are different?

For example, giant wooden blocks the size of doors lined- up like dominoes falling on each other. Would the pulse of the door-like blocks falling move faster that the pulse of normal sized domino blocks falling on each other?|||The door blocks would move slower. The reasons are:

1. The doors require more energy to move. It would take longer to force it to move anywhere.

2. The doors have more air resistance.|||Yes. Taller dominoes would take longer to fall, thus would fall at a slower rate, in "dominoes per second." HOWEVER, they would fall FARTHER with the same proportion, so the linear velocity (i.e., horizontally across the floor) would be approximately the same.|||no,

as by the law

(v1)^2 = (v2)^2 + 0.5 g.t


v1 is the Terminal velocity

v2 is the beginningg velocity

g is Acceleration of gravity

t is the time of falls

Such as we find that the law does not depend on mass or volume

thanks|||If i had to guess then yes because a bigger domino creates more 'friction' against the air because of the larger surface area...if that makes sense|||No,

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