Friday, February 3, 2012

What's worse for you, dominoes or pizza hut?

I know they're both very fatty and unhealthy, but which one is worse for you?What's worse for you, dominoes or pizza hut?
Dominoes for sheer fat content over their menu.

Pizza hut has more crust based options which it higher in carbohydrates.

But yeah, overall I would say dominoes.What's worse for you, dominoes or pizza hut?
first of all pizzas are nt good for ur if u want varieties then i would recommand pizza hut...............bcuz in dominoes u get only pizza where as in pizza hut ........u get pizzas , burgers , hot doga, fench fires etc etc...................and hygene is also important..........i dint hav a chance to visit kitchen of pizza hut and dominoes bt i visited the kitchen of mc amazing actually
depends on the cheese, crust, meats, etc

not the actual brand

if you are looking at similar cheese, crust, toppings, etc... they are going to be virtually identical.What's worse for you, dominoes or pizza hut?
I would say dominoes. pizza hut has such good stuff to offer so along with getting fat might as well enjoy it more :DWhat's worse for you, dominoes or pizza hut?
They are both made by the Devil, so it doesnt matter.
guys from my thinking none is worse other wise it depends on you.

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