Friday, February 3, 2012

What hours can I work at 15 years old in the state of Pennsylvania... At dominoes?

I'm 15, 16 in August, and I want to know how many hours I can work. I live in the state of Pennsylvania and I'm applying at Dominoes... just in case.What hours can I work at 15 years old in the state of Pennsylvania... At dominoes?
Q: The federal law states that 14 and 15 year old students can work 3 hours after school, but the state law says they can work 4 hours after school. How many hours can they work?

A: Those students can only work 3 hours. When there is a conflict between the state and federal law, the stricter standard is enforced. In this case it is the federal law. As is listed on the back of the Vacation work certificate for 14 and 15 year olds, they can work 3 hours after school. Also under the federal law, 14 and 15 year old students cannot work past 7 PM during the school year. Even though the state law sets the deadline at 10 PM, the 7 PM limit must be observed.

this is from:鈥?/a>

Also you have to get work permits. My school district has them at the local high school. So maybe check your high school?

Good luck!What hours can I work at 15 years old in the state of Pennsylvania... At dominoes?
about 4 to 6 hrs a day. I think.

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