Friday, February 3, 2012

Once California legalizes marijuana, will the other states fall like dominoes?

Except for Alabama of course which won't even hear about the news for another 20 years.Once California legalizes marijuana, will the other states fall like dominoes?
You forget Wyoming, which is at least 50 years behind the times!

And... NO... they won't.

Republican from before she was born... and PROUD of it.Once California legalizes marijuana, will the other states fall like dominoes?
Depends. People can be very stupid, especially about things with such a hardened stigma. However, we can all hope.Once California legalizes marijuana, will the other states fall like dominoes?
if it goes great for the economy of that state then yes, if it doesnt help that much then noOnce California legalizes marijuana, will the other states fall like dominoes?
Well, if Obama keeps digging this country deeper and deeper into debut our government is going to have no choice but to legalize and tax it as a source of revenue just like California.

Hows this for irony: our governments never-ending "war on drugs" has helped to put this country into debut and now the taxation of marijuana is going to help pay off our debuts. HA.

I don't think its going to happen immediately though, i give it about 5-years.
I sure do hope so... It would be stupid not to legalize it. It would actually benefit the U.S. alot.. ex. many bad drug dealers would lose buisiness, the gov't would make a TON of $ by taxing and selling it, and they wouldnt have to pay to keep all the non-violent "criminals" (marijuana users) in jail.

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