Friday, February 3, 2012

How can I get an job at Dominoes Pizza?

I have filled out an application and they say they are hiring but I called to schedule an interview and they said to call back later so i did and they keep saying to call back later, is there a certain time i should call?How can I get an job at Dominoes Pizza?
Step 1: Call several Domino pizza shops in your area to see which one is hiring. Ask for the manager, and she will let you know if they have any delivery jobs available.

Step 2: Move on to the next shop if one is not hiring. Let the manager at each shop know you are ready to start work if any delivery jobs become available. Give each manager you speak to your contact information.

Step 3: Visit one of the Domino pizza shops and speak to one of the drivers. See if he can give you some specifics concerning the job. Make sure he knows you are interested in a job and let him know you have already given contact information to the manager.

Step 4: Mail a follow up letter to the manager of every shop you contacted. Thank them for the opportunity to speak with them. Let them know you will follow up within a week or two.

Step 5: Follow up within one week with the manager. Remind him who you are. Sound enthusiastic, interested and excited about the opportunity. Most of your competition is not likely to take this sort of initiative.How can I get an job at Dominoes Pizza?
Go into a local Domino's Store and they ALWAYS need workers. So just ask to speak to the manager and ask about job interviews. Or you can go to their website and send a job application in at www.dominos.comHow can I get an job at Dominoes Pizza?
keep buggin them till you get an interview or the position is filled...if you are persistant, they will see that you really want the job and that helps!!How can I get an job at Dominoes Pizza?
Neither call them OR visit there website

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