Friday, February 3, 2012

Can Dominoes pizza track an online order?

I sent a pizza via online ordering to a teacher at my school, and I used his contact information, and did it on a school computer. I erased all history, temp. internet files, cookies and all of that stuff, when it gets there and he cannot pay, can they find me? and will they? and what can I do to prevent i?Can Dominoes pizza track an online order?
They can trace the IP address to the school, someone in the school would have to see which computer that was using that IP address at the time. If there is a record elsewhere of you using the computer - or if someone saw you at that computer - then they might be able to find you.

But whether they will do that or not, is debateable.

That was not a nice thing you did. Besides the teacher - you took a delivery guy out of his way to bring a pizza to a school for which he is not getting paid. You just wasted the time for the driver and lost him money in wages - they don't get paid very much to start with and just reduced his paycheck. You are probably too young to understand how much impact that can have to a person.

If you keep doing stuff like that and don't realize how many people you are impacting - you are going to grow up to be a loser...regardless if you are found out or not.Can Dominoes pizza track an online order?
Don't worry if they don't track you down via tthe school's ip address, someone by chance will remember reading about the prank on Yahoo answers and they'll get you that way. When's the next flight to Mexico ?Can Dominoes pizza track an online order?
They'll track the computer via the IP address. You should flee the country immediately.Can Dominoes pizza track an online order?

I suggest you grow up...-

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