Friday, February 3, 2012

Anyone know if the new Dominoes Crunchy Melt Pizza is any good?

i haven't tried it and am reluctant to spend 10 dollars to get a pizza. is it worth my 1,000 pennies ive collected for 3 years?Anyone know if the new Dominoes Crunchy Melt Pizza is any good?
I do not like the thin crusts but i love this pizza. It is like a crunch quesadilla. It is flaky and cruncy. If you don't like just call back and say it was bad. they have a satisfaction guarantee and you can just get it replaced with another pizza similar in value.Anyone know if the new Dominoes Crunchy Melt Pizza is any good?
no its deffinitely worth it. anything that says MELT is worth is but im kinda a fatass so ha
sounds goodAnyone know if the new Dominoes Crunchy Melt Pizza is any good?
It sounds like it would be good.

Why don't ya take a risk?
I want to try it with all the great comments I'm going to get one..Anyone know if the new Dominoes Crunchy Melt Pizza is any good?
I was disappointed to say the least.I thought it would be like a taco bell Mexiacan pizza nothing like that
Nope, we didn't like it all. We didn't even finish it. It was very blah, very plain. Try the Philly Steak Pizza from Dominoes instead. Now that is a good meaty pizza.

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